第1章 The Gun Club
第2章 President Barbicane's Communication
第3章 Effect of the President's Communication
第4章 Reply from the Observatory of Cambridge
第5章 The Romance of the Moon
第6章 Permissive Limits of Ignorance and Belief in the United States
第7章 The Hymn of the Cannon-Ball
第8章 History of the Cannon
第9章 The Question of the Powders
第10章 One Enemy vs. Twenty-fiv Millions of Friends
第11章 Florida and Texas
第12章 Urbi et Orbi
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第13章 Stones Hill
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第14章 Pickaxe and Trowel
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第15章 The Fete of the Casting
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第16章 The Columbiad
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第17章 A Telegraphic Dispatch
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第18章 The Passenger of the Atlanta
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第19章 A Monster Meeting
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第20章 Attack and Riposte
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第21章 How a Frenchman Manages an Affair
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第22章 The New Citizen of the United States
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第23章 The Projectile-Vehicle
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第24章 The Telescope of the Rocky Mountains
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第25章 Final Details
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第26章 Fire!
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第27章 Foul Weather
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第28章 A New Star
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第29章 The First Part of This Work and Serving as a Preface to the Second
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第30章 Twenty Minutes Past Ten to Forty-seven Minutes Past Ten p.m.
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第31章 The First Half-hour
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第32章 Their Place of Shelter
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第33章 A Little Algebra
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第34章 The Cold of Space
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第35章 Question and Answer
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第36章 A Moment of Intoxication
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第37章 At Seventy-eight Thousand Five Hundred and Fourteen Leagues
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第38章 The Consequences of a Deviation
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第39章 The Observers of the Moon
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第40章 Fancy and Reality
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第41章 Orographic Details
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第42章 Lunar Landscapes
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第43章 The Night of Three Hundred and Fifty-four Hours and a Half
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第44章 Hyperbola or Parabola
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第45章 The Southern Hemisphere
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第46章 Tycho
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第47章 Grave Questions
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第48章 A Struggle against the Impossible
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第49章 The Soundings of the Susquehanna
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第50章 J. T. Maston Recalled
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第51章 Recovered from the Sea
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第52章 The End
更新时间:2020-12-01 15:54:12