3.2 Selection of Lining Structure

3.2.1 Heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant linings shall be classified into the following types based on the lining structures and performance of lining concrete:

1 Double layer heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant lining with hexmesh[Figure 3.2.1(a)];

2 Single layer abrasion-resistant or highly abrasion-resistant lining with hexmesh[Figure 3.2.1(b)];

3 Double layer heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant lining without hexmesh[Figure 3.2.1(c)];

4 Single layer heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant lining without hexmesh[Figure 3.2.1(d)];

5 Single layer abrasion-resistant or highly abrasion-resistant lining without hexmesh[Figure 3.2.1(e)].

3.2.2 Single layer heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant lining without hexmesh should be used as the lining structure for the following reactor generator system equipment:

1 Regenerator;

2 Coke combustor and withdrawal well;

3 Catalyst cooler;

4 Y-shaped position of reactor riser;

5 Third-stage cyclone/separator.

3.2.3 Double layer heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant lining with hexmesh should be used as the lining structure for the following reactor generator system equipment:

1 Orifice chamber;

2 Cold wall dipleg;

3 Slide valve;

4 Cold wall cyclone/separator.


Figure 3.2.1 Heat-insulating and Abrasion-resistant Lining Structures

1—Heat-insulating concrete;2—Cylindrical anchor;3—End plate;4—Hexmesh;5—Abrasion-resistant/highly Abrasion-resistant concrete;6—Ω-anchor;7—Metal Reinforcing fiber;8—Heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant concrete;9—Stud bolt;10—Y-anchor;11—V-anchor;12—S-anchor;13—Ring anchor

3.2.4 Double layer heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant lining with hexmesh should be used and single layer heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant lining without hexmesh may be also used as the lining structure for the following reactor generator system equipment:

1 Reactor(disengager);

2 Reactor riser;

3 Standpipe;

4 Flue duct.

3.2.5 Single layer highly abrasion-resistant lining with hexmesh should be used as the lining structure for the following reactor-regenerator system equipment,operating conditions and similar positions:

1 Hot wall cyclone;

2 Hot wall dilute phase pipe;

3 Hot wall dipleg.

3.2.6 Single layer highly abrasion-resistant lining without hexmesh shall be used as lining structure for the following locations subject to erosion due to high gas speed:

1 Air distribution pipes or distribution plates;

2 Thermowells of reactor riser.

3.2.7 For the locations subject to severe erosion such as outlet of slide valve,double layer heat-insulating and abrasion-resistant lining with hexmesh shall be used,highly abrasion-resistant concrete shall be used for the abrasion-resistant lining,and the thickness of abrasion-resistant lining shall be increased.