Intelligence Server configuration

Once the Intelligence Server is installed, it needs to be pointed to a MicroStrategy metadata. Once again the Configuration Wizard is used to perform this task. The object resulting from configuring an Intelligence Server is called a Server Definition. In order to create one, it is necessary to take into consideration the following prerequisites:

  • The Configuration Wizard must be executed directly from the same machine where the Intelligence Server is running
  • A DSN pointed to the MicroStrategy metadata database must be created in the same machine where the Intelligence Server is running

The steps to configure an Intelligence Server, pointing it to a MicroStrategy metadata are:

  1. Launch the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard (if you proceed from the above procedure, the MicroStrategy metadata creation, this wizard should be already open for you).
  2. Select the corresponding option for the Intelligence Server configuration: | Configure Intelligence Server.
  3. Select a DSN. This DSN must point to the metadata.
  4. Once the DSN information is entered, it is necessary to either create or select an existing Server Definition.
  5. The configuration process begins with the Intelligence Server being stopped, then it is pointed to the specified metadata and automatically started again, completing the Server Definition creation or switching to a different one.