- Run webtutil to turn on printer monitoring:
$log = 'Microsoft-Windows-PrintService'
webtutil.exe sl $log /operational /Enabled:true
- Define a Function:
- Specify the Function header for an advanced function:
Function Get-PrinterUsage {
- Get the events from the PrintService event log:
$Dps = Get-WinEvent -LogName
Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational |
Where-Object ID -eq 307
- Create a hash table for each event log record:
Foreach ($Dp in $Dps) {
$Document = [Ordered] @{}
- Populate the hash table with properties from the event log entry:
$Document.Id = $dp.Properties[0].value
$Document.Type = $dp.Properties[1].value
$Document.User = $dp.Properties[2].value
$Document.Computer = $dp.Properties[3].value
$Document.Printer = $dp.Properties[4].value
$Document.Port = $dp.Properties[5].value
$Document.Bytes = $dp.Properties[6].value
$Document.Pages = $dp.Properties[7].value
- Create an object for this printer usage entry:
$UEntry = New-Object -Type PSObject
-Property $Document
- Give it a better type name:
- Output the entry:
} # End of foreach
} # End of function
- Set and use an alias to get the printer usage:
Set-Alias -Name GPRU
-Value Get-PrinterUsage
GPRU | Format-Table