Coding the VisualizeMigration tool

In this final section, you'll create a new tool in the Migration Patterns toolbox that can be used to visualize elk migration patterns in one-week increments that have beginning and end dates, as specified through the tool. The tool will also export maps in the PDF format for each week:

  1. Import the arcpy.mapping and datetime modules that will be used in this class:
    import arcpy
    import arcpy.mapping as mapping
    import csv
    import os
    import datetime
  2. Create a new tool called VisualizeMigration by copying and pasting the existing ImportCollarData code and then renaming the class to VisualizeMigration.
  3. In the VisualizeMIgration class, set the label and description properties, as shown in the following code through the __init__ method:
    class VisualizeMigration(object):
        def __init__(self):
            """Define the tool (tool name is the name of the class)."""
            self.label = "Visualize Elk Migration"
            self.description = "Visualize Elk Migration"
            self.canRunInBackground = False
  4. You'll need two parameters to capture the start and end dates. Add the Parameter objects, as shown in the following code through the getParameterInfo() method:
    def getParameterInfo(self):
            param0 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "Begin Date", \
                            name="beginDate", \
                            datatype="GPDate", \
            param1 = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "End Date", \
                            name="endDate", \
            params = [param0, param1]
            return params
  5. Capture the start and end data parameter values in the execute() method:
    def execute(self, parameters, messages):
            """The source code of the tool."""
            beginDate = parameters[0].valueAsText
            endDate = parameters[1].valueAsText
  6. Split the day, month, and year values for the start and end dates:
    def execute(self, parameters, messages):
            """The source code of the tool."""
            beginDate = parameters[0].valueAsText
            endDate = parameters[1].valueAsText
            #begin date
     lstBeginDate = beginDate.split("/")
     beginMonth = int(lstBeginDate[0])
     beginDay = int(lstBeginDate[1])
     beginYear = int(lstBeginDate[2])
     #end date
     lstEndDate = endDate.split("/")
     endMonth = int(lstEndDate[0])
     endDay = int(lstEndDate[1])
     endYear = int(lstEndDate[2])
  7. Get the current MapDocument, DataFrame, and DataFrameTime objects:
    def execute(self, parameters, messages):
            """The source code of the tool."""
            beginDate = parameters[0].valueAsText
            endDate = parameters[1].valueAsText
            #begin date
            lstBeginDate = beginDate.split("/")
            beginMonth = int(lstBeginDate[0])
            beginDay = int(lstBeginDate[1])
            beginYear = int(lstBeginDate[2])
            #end date
            lstEndDate = endDate.split("/")
            endMonth = int(lstEndDate[0])
            endDay = int(lstEndDate[1])
            endYear = int(lstEndDate[2])
            mxd = mapping.MapDocument("current")
     df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0]
     dft = df.time
  8. Set the currentTime and endTime properties on the DataFrameTime object. This will set the boundaries of the visualization and map export:
    mxd = mapping.MapDocument("current")
    df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0]
    dft = df.time
    dft.currentTime = datetime.datetime(beginYear, beginMonth, beginDay)
    dft.endTime = datetime.datetime(endYear, endMonth, endDay)
  9. In the last section of this method, you will create a loop that accomplishes several tasks. The loop will operate between the start and end dates, set the visible features to the current date, dynamically set the title to the current date, export a PDF file, and reset the currentTime property to the next day. Add the WHILE loop just below the last line of code you wrote in the last step. Note that you will have to hardcode a path to the output folder where the PDF files will be created. If you are so inclined, you may want to convert this into a parameter that is provided as input from the user:
    while dft.currentTime <= dft.endTime:
        for el in mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT", "*title*"):
            el.text = "Elk Migration Pattern: " + str(dft.currentTime).split()[0]
        fileName = str(dft.currentTime).split(" ")[0] + ".pdf"
        mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd,os.path.join(r"c:\ArcGIS_Blueprint_Python\ch2", fileName))
        arcpy.AddMessage("Exported " + fileName)
        dft.currentTime = dft.currentTime + dft.timeStepInterval
  10. Check your code against the solution file found at C:\ArcGIS_Blueprint_Python\solutions\ch2\ to make sure you have coded everything correctly.
  11. Close your code editor.
  12. In ArcMap, open C:\ArcGIS_Blueprint_Python\ch2\ElkMigration.mxd. Open the Catalog view and execute the Visualize Elk Migration tool. You will be prompted to enter the start and end dates, as shown in the following screenshot. The data for this particular elk spans the period between January 17, 2005 to November 4, 2005. To keep it simple, enter a fairly small time period, such as 1/18/2005 to 2/18/2005.
  13. Click on OK to execute the tool. If everything has been coded correctly, the progress dialog should be updated as each day is visualized and exported to a PDF file.
  14. After the execution, you can check the C:\ArcGIS_Blueprint_Python\ch2 folder to see the output files. Each file should appear similar to what is shown in the following screenshot: