Navigating around a course

That's about it for the front page; let's click on that Courses link in the Navigation block now and head off to Stuart's French for Beginners course to look at it from a teacher's perspective. When Stuart accesses his own course, this is what he sees in the Navigation block, as shown in the following screenshot:

Navigating around a course

Again, as seen in the front page, he has links to the following:

  • Home: Back to the front page
  • myMoodle: Back to the myMoodle page
  • My profile: It gives him profile options

What we're focusing on here, though, is My courses.

Stuart is a teacher in just one course, French for Beginners. When expanded, the list first offers us several links:

  • Participants: An important and useful link to everyone in the course
  • Reports: Another important and useful link to the logs and so on
  • Introduction: This is actually Topic 0 (and were we to expand it, we would find links to the news forum and other items Stuart has included in Topic 0)
  • First Steps in French: This is actually Topic 1 (and we will expand it in a moment to find links to items Stuart has included in Topic 1)
  • Topic 2: This expands to display the list of activities in Topic 2 and so on…