Named topic sections

A brand new and very welcome feature of Moodle 2.0 which we have just encountered is the ability to name topic sections (if your course is set to topics) and have those names reflected in the links in the navigation bar. If we do nothing, then Topic 0 is called General and the other topics are displayed as numbers like Topic 2, but the ability to name them makes moving around much more user-friendly.

Let's take a quick look at how to name topic sections as this makes a significant difference to the appearance of our Navigation block. Stuart's going to name Topic 2 so he turns on the editing in the usual way and clicks on the edit icon next to the number 2 as he normally would:

Named topic sections
  1. He unchecks the use default section name box.
  2. He then types in his own chosen topic name as shown in the following screenshot:
    Named topic sections
  3. This ensures that this name is reflected in the link in the Navigation block, instead of the numbered topic:
    Named topic sections


If the course is in weekly sections, then the weeks display in the list in a similar way to the topic numbers or names.

We can further expand the links to display the activities within those topic sections. So if, for example we click First Steps in French (which is the renamed Topic 1) we then get:

Named topic sections

Additionally, in selecting that one particular topic in the Navigation block, that section becomes the only one visible in the central area of Moodle. As with Moodle 1.9, we can click on Show all topics or use the Jump to... menu to see other sections, as shown in the following screenshot:

Named topic sections